Project Proposal Statement: “2020 brought forth overwhelming loss that disproportionately impacted communities of color as essential workers were faced with daily exposure to COVID-19 and subsequently put themselves, their families and community members at risk.
This installation will honor the resilience of these individuals and the community at large on a monumental scale.
Furthermore, a monument is a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event. Disrepaire(ed) aims to illustrate the cyclical nature of loss, grief, and recovery as perpetuated by forces beyond our control and the humanistic response to those experiences in the form of compassion, empathy, and love for one another.”
Luminaria Contemporary Arts Festival 2021
Disrepair(ed), public installation view, Hemisfair Park, Luminaria Contemporary Arts Festival, San Antonio, TX, November 13, 2021
Video projection on structure (tarp, nylon cord, wood, metal, duct tape) Approx. 3’x’3’x16’, 2021